Monthly Archives: September 2008

it’s a beaut.

Please check out this pretty-pretty photo spread taken by Josh Elliot with products from Seaplane, Souchi, Jonny Sole, Local 35, Frances May, Frocky Jack Morgan and other Portland jammers (like Ruth from The Chromatics)



click on thee above photo to experience the lovely on Ultra




could you please…

tell me how you feel about this shoe?

i think i like it, and don’t care THAT much, but don’t really want it to be perceived to be in the hipster-jazz-shoe-trend of the past several months.


jeffrey campbell 'saraid 2'

jeffrey campbell 'saraid 2'



what say thee please?



drink taste!

I’ve been enjoying a very refreshing Blueberry Stoli and Soda cocktail all summer, and it’s served me well.  Ever since I learned of the ungood of most bars’ tonic, it’s been my refreshing alternative to g&t. If you haven’t had it you might give it a shot. It’s like a press, but sans the 7up.

And I’m typically a cheap drinker. Like…well drinks for for more than $3.50 kinda get on my nerves, but I don’t mind trading a dollar or so for less corn syrup calories (i like my calories from actual alcohol!)

mmm, fresh



But now autumn is here and this drink is too summery! I need an alternative to whiskey. Aren’t there any other killer cocktails that don’t have juice and soda in them? Something autumnal?! Mmm, autumn.




classy. brassy. woody.



I’ve been wanting some brass knuckles for some time now, but you know, not actual brass knuckles, for they are made for ass-kicking and not for stylish lady partying.

Not that the two are mutually exclusive, certainly, but actual brass knuckles are heavy and kind of restrictive. I type a lot.  And I don’t really find much cause for beating people up.

And I bet it’s hard to hold a champagne bottle in your hand w/ brass knuckles on. 


So instead…


For special occasions I’d like to don this little number by Zoe Chico:


this is what we call classy bullshit

this is what we call classy bullshit


For everyday badass-ery I’m loving on the wood rings by Good Wood.


totally woody!

totally woody

They’re fly. Yeah, I say fly sometimes.












also color-y!

also color-y!

And you can pretty much get anything you want custom-made!!


love it

love it

The standard ones are $30. I can totally afford that.





p.s. the Gaylords of Death totally need custom rings that say G.O.D. fer certain


I must have this bag from WeSC

the Trish in smoked pearl

the Trish in smoked pearl

It’s like a puffy jacket…for all your shit. Serious, bag ain’t small. You might think you don’t like it, but look at it again, and from several angles please. $66. hell yes.

Also, love these headphones?

alp horn headphones
alp horn headphones

WeSC (We are the Superlative Conspiracy) is kind of a jam of a Swedish skateboard-y company with granted, a ghey-ass name, and some kinda not-my-style skater clothes, but some of it’s pretty killer and their new campaign features Jason Lee and (swoony-even-though-he’s-a-scientologist) Giovanni Ribisi.




Listen, I know letterpress is old news, but I still really like it.


And has a slew of lovely letterpress paper products from Sesame Letterpress, a hub and wife team out of Brooklyn, NY (yeah Brooklyn, ever heard of it?)

Since I like it so much, I like to assume that other people like it also, and therefore like to receive it, and so in my mind it makes for good gifts. You follow? Killer.


My favorites are the coasters they do with various animals and flowers and such. Who doesn’t want to receive a special pack of coasters?!


Water rings on coffee table? God forbidly!


Thick paper coaster with a handsome hare? ah, don’t mind if I do…




I don’t even hate the ‘skull and bones’


See them all here!!


$11 for 8 coasters made w/ waterproof ink (doi)


You love, yes?


Go check out the cutie-ass file folders they have too.



Sex and the Home Shopping Network

We need to discuss this:


Wait! there’s a story for this one…

“As night in the city crept toward the dawn of just another day she found herself totally exhausted. Having fun with your friends is hard work after all. She adjusted the black patent belt on her Pat Field halter dress and started for home. But a quick look in the ladies room mirror changed her mind. She still looked fabulous. “Oh well,” she thought. “One more dance can’t hurt!””

What does hurt is that the dress costs $99.90. You gots to be a-jokin me!


And I hate to admit it but I kind of like this one sans belt (at least it’s not made of polyester?)…

I know I totally would have worn it for easter when I was 8, but still.  Also, I could pay for it in 3 installments of $43.30. Bless you Pat Fields and bless you Home Shopping Network.

Check out the whole collection here.


Call me crazy, but I kinda just want to buy these leggings for 3 installments of $13.30. It just sounds fun/funny!


This is what’ll happen, so it seems…

“As she pulled on her aqua blue jersey dress and black leggings by Pat Field, she couldn’t help but wonder, “Can an outfit really change the way you feel?” She took one last look in the mirror and the answer was clear. “Yes!” She turned the knob and strutted out for another fabulous evening. Her destination? Style New York. Black, silver, red or gold. ”


uh, yah.



“Disturbing the peace has never been cooler” Ha!!

I know I may be a little slow on the uptake, but I’ve been seeing tons of ads recently and Hails Bails and I were discussing last evening that having one of these would be pretty great…

“Oh hey girl…cool, you snowboard?!”  Umm, nope! Furthermore, I don’t really understand why you’d need a cooler to keep your beers chilly when you’re in the mountains…in snow…right?

In addition, the Burton ‘Lil Buddy’ does pump your iPod jams out its speakers and it just seems cool and convenient. Like, when you want to go to the park, but it seems too boring without beer and Man Man playing (“I would go to the park, but there’s no MUSIC there!!”)


I’m fond of this ‘Lil Buddy’ pattern called ‘Light Camo:’

And I like that the zipper pull is a bottle opener:




It’s $59.99, but I think it’d be worth it you guys.  You can buy it at Burton online or probably at about a zillion places locally.





p.s. unrelated- don’t you think it’s high damn time that people never cover “Sweet Child of Mine” ever again? oh yah? me too.

Property of…me if you please?

I’ve been mildly obsessed with this brand of bags Property Of… for some time now.  My girl Jenny and I had both separately spotted this killer brownie-green leather purse at Magpie downtown and the wisewoman that she is, Jenji purchased that there bag. And I have coveted it ever since. It’s possible that I drunkenly convinced her to will it to me, should anything tragic happen to her.

what? you can’t take it with you.


I went back to Magpie asked the dude about the brand, cause I’d never heard of it and he told me it was by two dudes who were really hard to get ahold of and they were Norwegian, but moved to Thailand or something that sounded cool and salacious (for the record, i don’t know that this tale is true). I downright scoured the internet and found nothing.


But yesterday (after purchasing my bud “Brothels of Nevada: Candid Views of America’s Legal Sex Industry” at Missing Link on Hawthorne for his birthday…a pretty killer photo collection, btw) I spot a killer bag in the window of Local 35 checked today and son of a gun if it ain’t Property of…
And they have an (informational) website now!

I can’t post pictures, so check it out yourself…Property of…

So utilitarian. So good. So unisex even! Please tell me that you love the Billy Bag (pic 01) that’s leather and looks like it has oil stains on it. hotsie!


Here’s the “Luke” bag @ Local 35 












For $495.
Too richy for lady’s pocketbook, but the leather does look awesome. The canvas and cotton bags are markedly less scrilla.




Looks like they have some here too (if you search for Property of…). 



Vintage Party

I rarely have the luck of others in finding killer vintage jewelry like my friends often do.


Maybe I just don’t have the eye for it when it’s all lumped together or maybe i only ever see 80’s jewels, which don’t get me hot.
That’s why I’ve been a fan of day-lab for some time now. I think gal who runs it used to make a bunch of the jewelry, and sadly, she doesn’t much anymore, but the selection of vintage and dead stock jewelry is totally tops!


I’m pretty fond of this little lucite number:        Or these very now-ish little heart sliders:













And hell if I know anyone who doesn’t need a badass Scorpion charm:

Ahem, do you prefer an ear cuff? I think you do.

These rings are hot.

And I totally wanna wear my mom’s name on this ring (or my Aunt Shirley, I guess):





Plus, she has some cutie-pie paper products:







Plus when I’ve ordered she includes a little hand-written “hi” and a sticker! Free shipping over $75! Portion of each month’s proceeds to the Humane Society!

neat neat (like toilet seat)!


Proceed to commerce, friends!




p.s. i wouldn’t object to being gifted this item:


Sometimes you just have to buy a single (or two) of these at the grocery mart to remember what it tasted like when your friend’s older boyfriend would buy them for you while you waited in the car.

They’re good. And I think the Light is better tasting
And 98 calories? Ha.
If you can press through the embarrassment at your bodega, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

ya welcome!!




Today is Wednesday.  

Wednesday is a special day because all day long I think of nothing but how I’ll be watching Project Runway this evening with my ladies and a cool Blueberry Stoli and Soda close at hand.

I feel kinda sad that I already looked at the final collections. I fought it for almost an entire afternoon, but eventually buckled under the weight of my curiosity. If anyone knows who won and tells me, however, I will not hesitate to administer a hearty DickPunch. Believe.


Anyways, after seeing the ol’ collections it’s plain to see that Leanne has this thing in the proverbial bag.

 Are you seeing what I am? It’s frickin beautiful.















Listen, I am not partial to her simply because she’s rep-ing Portland either. I think a bunch of Portland peeps are, but I don’t a-party thatta way.














I’ve also been a Kenley fan all season until she turned on her biotch persona the last couple weeks.

Her final collection was cute too…










And I would totally wear it, but it’s not partic mind-blowing, yah?


And Korto made some beautiful gowns (and used ANTM girls!!!!), but again, not earth-shatteringly  so.











The others were boring.


Also…it must suck to be one of the decoy contestants and have to design a whole collection (do they really?) even though they know they’re not going to win. I have no idea who’s actually in the top 3, but one MUST assume that Suede is not and was pissed about having to make stuff anyway, so he threw these heinous numbers together:











Are those a joke? What is occurring here? The American Gladiators going to Vegas on Easter Sunday is all I see.
Which actually sounds fun…but does not look good. 





See you at the Tanker tonight! Frito Pie?



Built by Wendy

Things are looking folky for fall, and I like that.


The Fall 2008 Built by Wendy collection is looking particularly so, with a side of Swiss Alps and topped with a creamy Sound of Music sauce.


My fav:

Your fav: 

My sister’s fav (i shall presume): 

Blair on Gossip Girl’s fav:
(except not as ill-fitting as on this model) 


Even the Lederhosen are pretty jamming.  You just go ahead and check those out yourself, little missy.


Well anyway, Wendy Mullin is incredible. And not just because she’s had David Cross and Amy Sedaris model her collections before either. But for other reasons. Like this and this.


Also, Built by Wendy is finally in Portland…at Frances May. Rejoice!



Fake Plastic Shoes


Once upon a few summers ago, I had the coolest damn pair of shoes made of plastic. Surely you’ve seen them. They’re by Melissa. And they’re pretty inexpensive…for they’re make of plastic.
Also of note, these little darlings smell exactly like fruity erasers.

Like these.






They aren’t particularly breathable (which I figure is why they’ve added the fruity eraser smell) but they’re comfortable and I would like to have them in every color starting now. 

These are they.

Total Barbie shoe, yah?

Except mine were perfectly shiny beige. 






Foolishly I wore these beloved shoes to a wedding of a college friend in California. A wedding that I attended with a group of dudes.

q. What do you do at a wedding of a college friend?
a. You get drunk.

q. What happens when drunk you attends a wedding with a group of dudes? 
a. You make out with one of them.

q. Where does this smooching take place?
a. On the beach (and…er…on the mouth?)

q. What do you remove when you’re on the beach, because you think you’re going to make out in the ocean, which proves to be a crazy idea because it’s freezing as all get out even though it’s summer, that also happen to blend really well into sand in the evening and since you’re so consumed with kissing this fellow you forget to put them back on as you run back to where the rest of your friends are?
a. Your goddamn plastic shoes!

q. Who sympathizes with you when you tell thee gaggle of dudes about your loss the next day?
a. None.

Sure, they’re still out there, and one day I will replace them, I imagine. But there’s no beige to be found, and it’s possible I’m still in mourning??

Oh, and don’t forget about this new style…super hotsie! See them all please!



Whatever you do, I implore you not to make the same mistake as I. You will regret it forever, and the boy you made out with will forget all about you and continue to live in California, shoes unscathed.



p.s. Locally (in Portland), you can get Melissa shoes at Pin Me and (I think still) at Seaplane.

Bedazzle Thine Ears!

So, I’m wholly smitten with these earrings by Opulent Project.

And you can tell I really mean it because there’s rarely an excuse to use the phrase “wholly smitten.” Or ever. Really. Don’t repeat it.

But aren’t they just delightful? They’re a perfect combination of pretty and edgy with a medium-sized dollop of cheeky. For $38. Es good!

Seeee!! They’re chandeliers! Get it…like Chandelier earrings?! But not from 2001?! Phew…also, they’re made from flourescent light covers, which is another charming twist of irony in the ole’ lighting-related earring field…which is pretty small.



I, my own self, purchased these little gem drop numbers, that are black on the back ($32).








There’s also red w/ black on the back which are very very pretty. 


You may find them at Olio United online or really, if you’re in town, go to the store because it’s a great space filled with many other delights.
1028 SE Water Ave. Ste 120
Portland, Oregon 97214

Oh! Duh, Opulent Project has a website here please. See/buy them all!  (In hijinks w/ the feller who does the engraved moleskines in town…more on that at a later date).


